Spring and Summer Health/Safety Tips
Spring is in full force and summer is right around the corner! Those humid and extra hot months will be here before we know it, and the little ones will likely be spending lots of time outside. Little Roseberry is here with some tips to keep your little ones healthy and safe while they're having a blast in the great outdoors!

Make drinking water fun! From age five to eight, your little one needs 5 glasses of water a day. The amount only increases from there, so getting plenty of water, especially in the heat, is so important. To help encourage lots of H20 drinking, always keep ice cold water in the fridge, buy small water bottles perfect for kids to hold, infuse water with fresh fruit flavors and always pack a few water bottles wherever you go!
- When outdoors, apply sunscreen every two to three hours and more often when in the water. Consider using spray sunscreens, as they are often easier and quicker to use on your busy bees. Choose a sunscreen that is at least 30 SPF and apply it at least 30 minutes before going outside. Neutrogena Wet Skin Kids and Banana Boat Ultramist Tear Free are both great options!
- Another necessity for the warmer months - insect repellant. Mosquitoes and the diseases they bring are no joke, but you'll also want to ensure that you're using insect repellant in a way that is safe for kids. It's usually best to spray the repellant first on to your hands, and then spread the repellant on to the kids from there. Always wash your hands and wash the kids once they are back indoors. As an alternative, consider using an insect repellant wristband to ward off those pesky bugs. Off! Skintastic Family Formula Spray is a a great option for spray. Try the Bug Bam! Wristband if you're looking to fight bugs a different way.
- Routines are different in the summertime, and keeping the kiddos healthy can be a little more of a challenge. Sno-cones and hot dogs are often a summertime must, but nutritious eating can be easy and delicious too. Try blending one blend of coconut milk, one bag of fruit and desired sweetener, pouring ingredients into popsicle molds and freezing for an amazing treat! Also keep season fruit such as watermelon, strawberries and mangoes stocked and on-the-ready.
- It can be tempting to let the kids veg out in front of the television when there's an excess of free time. Instead, stay active and get creative to make this time fun for both you and the little ones. Host a water balloon party, participate in a 5k (many of these races have a special and shorter race just for kids too!), make weekly trips to the library sign up for a cooking class together, start a garden, go on a road-trip to explore somewhere in your state that you've never been, take a goat-yoga class and make it a goal to visit a new park, trail or pool every week. Keep both brains and bodies active, and have a blast while doing it!
- Consider creating a summer survival kit to keep all of the essentials and in-case-of-emergencies on hand! Sunscreen, water, insect repellant, hats and sunglasses, bandages, Benadryl, a crushable icepack for bruises and boo-boos, tweezers in case of splinters or ticks, granola bars, a cell phone and antibiotic cream for cut and scrapes are all great items to have on hand.
We hope these tips will help prepare you and your family to stay safe and healthy for the fun and HOT months ahead!